National Pilgrimage Mass to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of St John Ogilvie, SJ
On 4 July 2015, pilgrims from all over Scotland gathered together in Keith, the birthplace of St John Ogilvie SJ (1579-1615), to mark the 400th Anniversary of his martyrdom. The first group of photographs are of St Thomas' Catholic Church in Keith, and are followed by photographs of the procession, both before and after the Mass at Kynoch Park. The Principal Celebrant at the Mass was the Most Reverend Leo Cushley, Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh; our own Bishop, the Right Reverend Hugh Gilbert, OSB, gave a very powerful homily ('I remember the deeds of the Lord, / I remember your wonders of old'). A very good account of the day's events can be found on the website of St Mary's, Nairn.
The photographs are reproduced with the kind permission of a St Columba's parishioner.
The photographs are reproduced with the kind permission of a St Columba's parishioner.
RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust. A registered Scottish Charity Number SC005122.