Our Lady in May - A Devotion
Deanery Pilgrimage to the church of the
Immaculate Conception, Stratherrick
Saturday 14 May 2016
10.00am: Gather at the church of the Immaculate Conception, Stratherrick; Registration and Tea/Coffee
10.30am: Gathering songs, Readings, and Prayer
10.45am: Talk by Fr James Bell - 'Our Lady of May'
11.15am: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament; opportunities for Confession, consultation, confidential chat
12.00pm: Angelus
12.10pm: Rosary Walk to the Shrine of Our Lady
1.20pm: Lunch
2.20pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Meditation
3.00pm: Chaplet of Divine Mercy
3.15pm: Benediction
4.00pm: Holy Mass (Preacher: Fr Domenico Zanre)
4.45pm: Tea/Coffee and Departure
10.30am: Gathering songs, Readings, and Prayer
10.45am: Talk by Fr James Bell - 'Our Lady of May'
11.15am: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament; opportunities for Confession, consultation, confidential chat
12.00pm: Angelus
12.10pm: Rosary Walk to the Shrine of Our Lady
1.20pm: Lunch
2.20pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Meditation
3.00pm: Chaplet of Divine Mercy
3.15pm: Benediction
4.00pm: Holy Mass (Preacher: Fr Domenico Zanre)
4.45pm: Tea/Coffee and Departure
Donations are invited to defray the costs of the day
Please share cars
All ages invited, especially young people.
Servers: please bring cassocks and cottas
Servers: please bring cassocks and cottas
RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust. A registered Scottish Charity Number SC005122.