Highland Deanery Annual Pilgrimage
St Mary's, Beauly
10 September 2016
The Highland Deanery held its annual pilgrimage on Saturday 10 September. This year's choice of location was to St Mary's, Beauly. The Bishop of Aberdeen, Hugh Gilbert OSB, was the Principal Celebrant at the special Pilgrimage Mass. Following the Mass, the congregation joined in a colourful procession along the main road, following a statue of Our Lady. The pilgrims sang the hymn 'Ave Maria', and the pilgrimage concluded with the recitation of a decade of the rosary and a blessing from the Bishop in the ruins of the Old Priory in Beauly.
Pictured in the Priory are Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB, Bishop Emeritus Peter Moran, along with Fr. James Bell, Dean of the Highland Deanery, and priests and deacons from neighbouring parishes throughout the Highlands. Following the pilgrimage, a picnic was held in the grounds of St. Mary's Beauly.
It was a wonderful gathering on a beautiful day, in one of Scotland's oldest religious centres.
(With thanks to Duncan Macpherson for the text, and to Donald Shaw for the photos).
RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust. A registered Scottish Charity Number SC005122.